Serve with love and make a difference!
How you can help…

Christian Care Committee
A team of caring church members who are dedicated to meeting the physical and spiritual needs within the church and the wider community. They come together in prayer, share the gospel, deliver meals, offer warmth through shawls and blankets, care for the elderly, visit those who are homebound, and bring comfort to those who are hurting.
Nursery Workers
Our nursery volunteers love spending time with our littles. A safe, fun room with exciting toys and volunteers focused on them…keep these sweet little ones occupied while you enjoy worship! See Jen Genovese if you are want to serve and bless a little one
Awana exists to reach children and youth with the gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him. If you’d like to help by being an AWANA leader, please contact Jen Genovese.
Sound Booth
We help enrich the church experience through sound and streaming.
Capacity Cadre Leaders
Youth group leaders guiding teens closer to Christ. If you want to serve as a Cadre leader, see Pastor Josh.
Ushers & Greeters
We want to welcome you and bless you in helping make Cherry Tree Alliance your home church.
Cherry Tree Kids Helpers
Let the joy of the Lord be your strength as you bring the love of Christ to a child in the many opportunities in our children’s ministries. Clearances and background check are required.
Worship Team
Whether you sing, play an instrument, or are gifted in tech arts, come serve with us! The worship team practices on Thursday evenings. Join us as we worship God and lead the congregation in worship.
Prayer Team
Join us to meet monthly to pray for our church and provide prayer support for the church.
Sunday School Teachers
Kids who want to be with their parents while you’re trying to get them to pay attention to your lesson is your whole Sunday Morning…
By becoming involved in memorization, young people develop a love and respect for the Bible, the Word is implanted in their hearts, and it dynamically influences them. To help with this ministry, please contact Josh & Molly Mitchell.
Fellowship Committee
A celebration of community where we gather and plan times of food, fellowship and fun. Come join us as we seek strengthen our church family. See Cathy Thomas to get involved.

For more information, a pastoral call, or a visit:
Reach Out to Us!